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Exercise Intensity Forecasting: Application in Elderly Interventions that Promote Active and Healthy Aging

Published in International Journal of E-Health & Medical Communications, 2015

S. Billis, Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis, Ioanna Maria Spyrou, Panagiotis Antoniou, Panagiotis D. Bamidis. (2015) Exercise Intensity Forecasting: Application in Elderly Interventions that Promote Active and Healthy Aging. International Journal of E-Health & Medical Communications, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp 1-19

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Teaching Assistant

Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019, 2020, 2021

  • Fall 2020 to Summer 2021, ECON 2106: Principles of Microeconomics (Prof. Tibor Besedes, Prof. Elena Antoniadou)
  • Summer 2021, ECON 4340: Industrial Organization (Prof. Christine Ries)
  • Spring 2020, ECON 4440: Economics of the Environment (Prof. Dylan Brewer)
  • Fall 2019, ECON 4180: Game Theory Economics (Prof. Justin Burkett)

Instructor of Record

Georgia Institute of Technology, ECON 2106: Principles of Microeconomics, Fall Semester, 2023

This course provides an overview of the principles of economic analysis and focuses on how individuals, households, businesses, and industries make choices and interact with one another regarding the allocation and utilization of limited resources while creating a complex, dynamic, adaptive system. Students apply economics concepts to analyze phenomena in everyday life, analyze decision making processes in microeconomics, and apply an “economics lens” to observations of events and choices in the world and better understand these actions and choices.